Rules - Downloads | Bankmed


The name of the Fund shall be "BANKMED NAMIBIA", hereinafter referred to as "the Fund".

The Fund is an independent juristic entity, existing separately from its Members and legally capable in its own name of suing and of being sued, of acquiring, holding and alienating movable and immovable property and of acquiring rights and obligations.

The principal place of business of the Fund shall be situated at Methealth Office Park, Maerua Park, Corner of Jan Jonker Road and Robert Mugabe Avenue, Windhoek, (P. O. Box 97203, Windhoek) but the Trustees shall have the right to relocate the registered office to any other place in Namibia should the circumstances dictate, such as affordability or office space. The Registrar should be informed in writing of any change in the address of the Fund.

The Fund is a non-profit entity with the objects of providing financial or other assistance to its Members in defraying expenditure incurred by them in connection with the rendering of any medical service as contemplated in the Act, and which derives its income from membership fees (in the form of Contributions) or such other sources contemplated by these Rules and the Act.


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General Fund Information

Managed Healthcare

The Managed Health Care Department is the market leader in providing professional healthcare service to Members and Funds administered by Methealth Namibia Administrators. read more

HIV/AIDS Programme

Hospital Bedside Support Services

Chronic Medication Programme

Emergency Evacuation Services

Pregnant Members

Self Medication

Self-medication is medicine that can be obtained from the pharmacy for minor ailments.

Covered Medical Appliances

The following external medical appliances are covered by the Fund.


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The Lifestyle Management Programme

Lifestyle Management is a continuous process of making healthy lifestyle choices on a daily basis. It requires commitment to live a more balanced and healthy lifestyle, and we therefore want to assist you in breaking those bad habits that cause unnecessary health problems. read more

Healthy Lifestyle Programme for Individuals

Corporate Lifestyle Management Programme

Methealth Client Services

An open medical aid fund providing quality medical aid coverage to the whole of Namibia. See all branches